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Tuesday 14 February 2012

Woman be thou: NATURAL!

There’s nothing like seeing a beautiful well groomed woman. It’s quite an appealing and nice feeling when women come out natural, as in real hair, natural nails and just a light touch of makeup.

I often reminisce about my secondary school days. I remember how my peers and i evolve from mere playmates in our junior days into amazing beauties in senior years despite the fact that we werent even allow to grow our hair.  I recall how we (well most of us) would dedicate time to comb our natural low cuts, do a clean manicures and use nothing but lip gloss and talc (white powder) for makeup. Astonishing, we came out looking really good – natural beauties, you could say and we also managed to top the class academically.

My days in the university were a lot different.  With a lot more liberty, we naturally were more adventurous with our looks, exploring numerous kinds of makeup and accessories to accentuate our physical features. We obviously looked more mature and lot sexier. Though less natural looking, we still looked beautiful.

Now we have an issue arising, which is a major concern for me. Everything on most women today, both young and middle aged screams synthetic.  Yes, they scream artificial or to put it bluntly, they scream, fake. From our hair, our nails, to eyelashes, even the colour of our eyes are artificially enhanced.

At present, waxed eyelashes appear to be the fashion craze, most women young and old alike are all caught up in the frenzy of eyelash waxing. Many after fixing it look like they got the bristles of the mascara brush glue to their eyelids.

A few weekends ago, my friends and I went to check out a new restaurant in town. During our normal loud chit chats and near pointless banter, a girl walked by swinging her hips obviously trying to get the attention of some guys seated at a table nearby, which I must confess she had for a full 10 seconds, after which one of my friends Tolani said: “Do some women always have to have that thing on their eyes or have their face looking like a Picasso masterpiece?”
“Some women just look like babie dolls to me,” said Lara.
After a little more deliberation, we agreed that there is an increasing dependence on makeup by a lot of women today.

I want to state that I perfectly understand why women have to have hair extensions and considering our rather hectic schedules at work, home and school as the case applies, hair extensions are arguably the best option, demanding less time and attention as compared to natural hair.......Trust me, I know. I can also tolerate to as a certain extent synthetic nails, though I’m not a fan. As for artificial eyelashes, I have tried, but still don’t get it, and I doubt that I will. I often wonder why some women have to have them fixed. It is meant to make you look more beautiful or sexy?

I recently stumbled on a programme showing on BBC lifestyle; Miss Naked Beauty. I was just about to change the channel, dismissing it as one of those meaningless mediocre TV shows, but I found that the main aim of the show was to eliminate the contestants’ dependence on makeup. I was so elated, as the show proved that I was not a lone soldier, fighting a lost cause. The show had a lot of really beautiful contestants’ who were so addicted to makeup that they couldn’t look at their makeup-free reflections in the mirror without being disgusted. I’m quite sure we all can cite similar cases – well, maybe not that extreme.

I am not advocating a ban on makeup and other beauty products, or the forced closing of beauty parlours and salons. What I’m trying to convey to my fellow ladies is that we don’t have to expend an excess amount of money on makeup and other artificial beauty enhancers to look beautiful. It is a popular cliché among guys that if you want to know if a girl is actually beautiful, be there when she wakes up in the morning. If she looks beautiful then, she’s a real beauty. Truth be told, makeup and some beauty enhancers can sometimes make women a little more beautiful, while it actually makes some others look older than their age. The effects of all the chemical on the skin begins to show over a while. I plead with young ladies that we should depend less on makeup and try to go a little more natural.

Please......don’t get me started on skin bleaching!

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